S01E01 Foundational Knowledge:

Insomnia, Healthy Sleep & Cannabis

Insomnia, which can be devastating on one’s physical and mental health, is far too common in our modern culture. With increasing acceptance of cannabis, it’s no surprise that growing numbers of Americans are ditching pills for cannabis. But, what does the scientific evidence say? In this inaugural episode, we lay the foundation covering the essentials of cannabis and insomnia. Meet the patients, clinicians, and scientists featured in this series.

You’ll learn the basics on insomnia and cannabis. What are the common struggles people with insomnia encounter? How do they navigate their journey through the world of clinical cannabis? Harvard-trained experts, cannabis clinician, Dr. Jordan Tishler, and neuroscientist, Nick Jikomes, PhD, break down the basics.

In This Episode You’ll Learn

  • What is insomnia?
  • What are the different types of insomnia?
  • What causes insomnia?
  • What is primary insomnia versus secondary insomnia?
  • What are different strategies to treat insomnia?
  • How does the endocannabinoid system influence insomnia?
  • Is cannabis a viable treatment option?

Links & Resources Mentioned In This Episode


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